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Table of States

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  • State of Eritrea
  • State of Eritrea
  • State of Eritrea
  • State of Eritrea
System of governmentrepublic with single political movement
Country codeER, ERI
FlagState of Eritrea
Capital cityAsmara
CurrencyEritrean nakfa (ERN)
Predominant religionOrtodoxnĂ­ Christianity and Sunni Islam
Former colonizerItaly (Italian Republic)
African Union
Population5 748 000 people
(109. place in the world)
Area121 320 km2
(98. place in the world)
Density47 people per km2
(128. place in the world)
GDP per capita1 510 USD per capita
(179. place in the world)
PeacefulnessGPI Global Peace Index 2,504
(131. place in the world)
CorruptionCPI Corruption Perceptions Index 23
(157. place in the world)
Human developmentHDI Human Development Index 0,440
(178. place in the world)
Economy freedomEFI Economy Freedom Index 38,9
(173. place in the world)
Life expectancy65,5 years
(151. place in the world)
Income iequalityN/A
CO2 emissions0,737 Mt CO2/year
(164. place in the world)
CO2 emissions per km26 t CO2/km2/year
(174. place in the world)
CO2 emissions per capita0,1 t CO2/per capita/year
(173. place in the world)