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  • Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis
  • Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis
  • Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis
System of governmentconstitutional monarchy based on parlamentarism
Country codeKN, KNA
FlagFederation of Saint Christopher and Nevis
Capital cityBasseterre
CurrencyEastern Caribbean dollar (XCD)
Predominant religionCatholic Christianity
Population51 970 people
(189. place in the world)
Area261 km2
(189. place in the world)
Density199 people per km2
(45. place in the world)
GDP per capita28 636 USD per capita
(47. place in the world)
Human developmentHDI Human Development Index 0,778
(71. place in the world)
Economy freedomN/A
Life expectancy74,4 years
(88. place in the world)
Income iequalityN/A
CO2 emissions0,238 Mt CO2/year
(174. place in the world)
CO2 emissions per km2912 t CO2/km2/year
(29. place in the world)
CO2 emissions per capita4,6 t CO2/per capita/year
(67. place in the world)