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System of governmentpresidential republic based on parlamentarism
Country codeFM, FSM
FlagFederated States of Micronesia
Capital cityPalikir
CurrencyUnited States dollar (USD)
Predominant religionCatholic and Protestant Christianity
Population101 823 people
(182. place in the world)
Area702 km2
(176. place in the world)
Density145 people per km2
(58. place in the world)
GDP per capita3 700 USD per capita
(148. place in the world)
Human developmentHDI Human Development Index 0,627
(130. place in the world)
Economy freedomEFI Economy Freedom Index 51,9
(146. place in the world)
Life expectancy69,3 years
(130. place in the world)
Income iequalityGini coefficient 40,1
(102. place in the world)
CO2 emissionsN/A
CO2 emissions per km2N/A
CO2 emissions per capitaN/A